Monday, July 22, 2013

In the past week I had a really good time with friends from around the world in Hong Kong. Yes Hong Kong my hometown, the city which I do not really like much.
Well I guess it is not the city that I don't like, but rather the comfort zone, the routines, the people without inspirations and thoughts.
I know of a lot of people who want to get out of London, Switzerland, Italy...all the great places that many others dream of settling in.
Cause it is not about the place, but the comfort zones that you are in, that makes you feel pressured and want to get out.

Then why still travel? Travelling is an easier way to meet new people and try new things, a great way to experience the cultural shock and reflect on yourself. But it is not a sustainabe way afterall. If a nomadic lifestyle is not for you in the long term, you may need some changes here and right now.

Experience #1 - To continue with this lifestyle when I come back to Hong Kong


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